Uwe Viehmann


Uwe worked for »Spex - das Magazin für Popkultur« for many many years, most of them as editor-in-chief. In 2007, he moved from Cologne to Berlin to set up an internet start-up - and in addition to printing on paper, he finally lost his heart to everything digital between the web and app. At least as far as his professional life is concerned.

Doesn't find the buzzword hogwash of the hot air machine »agency industry« so »beneficial«, but of course has a »transformative« opinion on everything. Even unasked.  

On the other hand, he likes the project HENKLHIEDL very much. Which is why he also worked there from 2012 to 2017. As creative director. And only ever doesn't feel like an impostor when the projects actually arrive where they usually belong: at the very top. (And if they do end up at the bottom, the bottom is the top. - Best regards to René Weller and thanks for borrowing the quote). He also likes to digress, as you can see here. Quickly back to the topic.

After a period as a consultant and expert, he returned to Urbanstraße in October 2019 as: Managing Director and Partner.

P.S.: He doesn't like pictures of himself at all, but he has survived worse. For example, writing this text in the third person.


Instead of an e-mail, make an appointment directly? Of course!

»Mountains will never surrender«